
Our Asphalt Plants

The Elburn Plant opened in 2006. Builders Asphalt Elburn is located 1 miles West of Route 47 on Main Street Rd in Elburn, IL. We are positioned just outside of Kaneville in the Elmhurst Chicago Stone Quarry.

The O’hare Plant opened in 2019. Builders Asphalt O’hare is located at the Northwest corner of Elmhurtst Rd and Pratt Blvd. Just west of O’hare airport.

Products HOT MIX MATERIALS Private Binder Private Surface Modified Binder N50 Modified Surface N50 IDOT Binder N30 IDOT Surface N30 IDOT Binder N50 IDOT Surface...

Products HOT MIX MATERIALS Private Binder Private Surface Modified Binder N50 Modified Surface N50 IDOT Binder N30 IDOT Surface N30 IDOT Binder N50 IDOT Surface...

The Wheeling Plant opened 2018. Builders Asphalt Wheeling is located is located on the east side of Wheeling Road, between Hintz & Dundee Road